reason For and the meChanisms oF CardiaC eleCtriCal instability. deFibrillation meChanism
A.B. Kuzgibekova, B.Zh. Kultanov, A.S. Kusainova, K.B. Ospanova, L.Kh. Asenova
physiCal development and reproduCtive health oF teen-age girls
Lily Luzina-Chju, Camilla Luzina
thyroid pathology treatment with traditional Chinese mediCine methods
eXamination and prenatal Consultation oF pregnant women with urologiCal pathology oF Fetus
Tamila Sorokman, Snizhana Sokolnyk, Pavlo Moldovan, Lyudmila Khlunovs’ka, Valentina Ostapchuk
gene il-8-251a / t as a prognostiC test oF probability oF duodenal ulCer in Children
trinken im h�heren lebensalter
die umFassende rehabilitation von zirkusartisten mit Fibromyalgie lumbosakralen wirbels�ule
D.A. Domenyuk, L.E. Porfiriadis, E.N. Ivancheva
O.B. Loran, E.L. Vichnevsky, A.A. Demidov
modern method oF reConstruCtive uretheroplasty in girls with epispadia
E.P. Filimonova, S.Yu. Agafonova, A.V. Pleshkan
botulinumtoXin in der behandlung der ms-induzierten spastik
Vladimir Dolishni, Alexander Davydov, Dmitri Davydov
seromas aFter the surgery oF postoperative ventral hernias with the use oF mesh endoprostheses
V. Glebov, N. Glebov, D. Davydov
endosCopiC operations during treatment oF tubo-peritoneal inFertility
hautlymphome � ihre klassiFikation