G. Becher, R. Purkhart, R. Graupner, W. Schüler
E. Bespalova, O. Pitirimova, M. Bartagova
sign ifiC anCe of hy poplaastiC left h eart syn DroMe prenatal Diagnosis for outCoMes
D.A. Domenyuk, E. Vedeshina, S.V. Dmitrienko
shape inDiviDualiZation in loWer Dental arChes DraWn on BasiC MorphoMetriC features
koMMunikation iM notfall — Was ist WiCh tig für eine effektive notfallversorgung
H.I. Ibodov, R.R. Rofiev, D.S. Mirzoev, T.Sh. Ikromov
results of surgiCal treatMent of hyDatiD liver Disease in ChilDren
T.Sh. Ikromov, H.I. Ibodov, N.S. Ibodov, S.K. Asadov
P. Karczewski, P. Hempel, M. Bimmler
V.M. Krestyashin, K.N. Darinskiy, L.U. Darinskaya, I.V. Krestyashin, A.O. Domarev, O.U. Litenetskaya
DeterMin ing treatMent taCtiC s of infants of 0-2 Months With Congenital hip DisloCation
Z.N. Nabiev, M.D. Murodov, M. M. Egamberdiev
role of the iMMune Drugs in the treatMent of aCute lyMphoBlastiC leukeMia in ChilDren
Y.Y. Peresta, S.M. Dzhupyna, O.V. Dulo, V.V. Vayda
S.P. Sakharov, A.A. Zhidovinov
the WounD in feC tion in ChilDren With the severe therMal trauMa
A.N. Serova, M.A. Kurbatov, A.A. Gerasimov
pathogenetiC options of treatMent of the knee osteoarthritis
K.A. Tatzhikova, L.A. Gurkina, L.I. Naumova, M.I. Shikunova
G. Becher, J. Schulz, S. Heymann, R. Purkhart, R. Graupner, W. Schüler
point-of-Care Diagnostik von keiMen in Der ausateMluft von patienten Bei infektionskrankheiten
I.J Chekunova, L.I. Naumova, T.A. Shishkina, I.S. Davlatova, M.I. Shikunova
D.V. Dedov, S.A. Masyukov, I.Y. Yevtyukhin, A.N. Kovalchuk, M. Asisova, T. Yarakhmedova
J.N. Hajiyev, V.A. Allahverdiyev, E.M. Klimov, N.J. Hajiyev
S. Heymann, J. Schulz, O.G. Nikolaev, S.V. Fomchenkov
fortsChritte in Der aDjuvanten therapie Des DiaBetes Mellitus typ 2 Mit Mineralien
G.H. Khachatryan, A. G. Karapetyan, N.S. Kamalyan, K.V. Khondkaryan
CoMpleX raDio-DiagnostiC features of CoMpliCation preDiCtors after Coronary arteries stenting
A. Kuzovlev, V. Moroz, A. Goloubev
V.V. Moroz, E.A. Miagkova, A.K. Zhanataev, D.A. Ostapchenko, A.D. Durnev, V.I. Reshetnyak
V.V. Protsenko, B.S.Duda, O.S. Ilnitskyi
reConstruCtive surgery for tuMours of the Bone shoulDer anD knee joints
A.N. Serova, M.A. Kurbatov, A.A. Gerasimov
th e MeCh anisMs of BaCk pain forMation anD pathogen etiC treatMen t
A.A. Skoromets, S.A. Dambinova, T.A. Skoromets
CirCulatory DisturBanCes in the spinal CorD of aDults (innovation s in spinal angioneurology)